Thursday, February 4, 2010

There has been much discussion lately on the topic of globalization. Many articles have given sufficient evidence as to whether or not the idea of globalization is the right course of action. One such article, "In Defense of Globalization", by Abbus J. Ali, cancels out all doubts about globalization and supports the original idea of a unified world. This article accomplishes its task in persuading the audience to believe in the benefits of globalization by the use of credible resources, literary devices, emotional appeals to unity, and by having a basis of understanding the actual concept of globalization.

            In this article there are many instances in which the author will quote from an outside source. At first he uses quotes from various persons to show controversy on the subject of globalization. One example of this can be seen when he quotes Roland Robinson by saying that he "cautions that there is a danger that globalization 'will become an intellectual 'play zone,' a site for the expression of residual social theoretical interests, interpretive indulgences, or the display of world ideological preferences'" (2). He also states the opinion of   Jacques Attali when he says that there are "powerful minorities that seek to take full advantage of the market economy" (1). The author uses these negative ideas to acknowledge that there are contrary ideas out there to tear down globalization. He then concludes this controversy strongly by explaining that these ideas "empty globalization from its true meaning and intent" (2), thereby showing that the facts brought up against the idea of globalization are vain allusions that tentative people put their anxiety in.

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  1. It looks like you have some good solid divisions which should make your paper great! Just a minor suggestion. In the beginning of your body paragraph you say the author "will quote from an outside source." I might suggest changing this to "quotes." I feel as though the will makes it sound as if it is in the future tense, which it is not cause it's already written. Otherwise it looks good! Good luck!

  2. From what i can see, this is the start of a good paper. As long as you continue to focus on how he proved his argument and not the facts behind it, you will be good to go. Good Job.

  3. Good job in using the quotes, keep that up in the rest of your paper. Good intro and clear thesis. Just a grammatical correction, in the second paragraph at "...the opinion of Jacques Attali," it looks like you have a few too many spaces between "of" and "Jacques".


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