Friday, February 5, 2010

Globalization, a typical pattern that has been followed all throughout history where people trade ideals, beliefs, concepts, technology etc. to develop and apply them to there own selves. According to the dictionary “globalization” is described as, “develop of be developed so as to make possible international influence or operation.” Obviously, our world is indeed very “globalized” with other countries, which can be a major benefit but also a major problem with some negative consequences, such as global climate change and the negative effects of green house gases. In the article, “ Going Local on a Global Scale: Rethinking Food trade in the Era of Climate Change, Dumping, and Rural Poverty” by Kirsten Schwind, Schwind attempts to convince her readers that trade of food has negatively impacted economies around the world. She gives examples such large corporate stores take away business from small local farms and business, the negative amounts of pollution causing problems for growing crops and many examples of unnecessary trade, Using several literary devices: tone, word choice and imagery as well as ethos and logos she gives off a vibe of help to catch the readers attention.

Our world today revolves on a global trade scale, we all thrive on a dependency on other states or countries, for example we as Americans rely on foreign oil because we do not have enough for our own population, and therefore we must have it imported from elsewhere. Food trade is also a big issue. In the economic theory of competitive advantage, “economies hold that each region should specialize in producing only what it can produce most cheaply, then trade with other regions for everything else” (167). Yeah, this is somewhat correct but Schwind argues that it is taking more of a poll than most are aware of. “For example, the potentially cataclysmic impacts of climate change mean the environmental costs of transporting goods long distances are much higher than previously thought.” She ties in the impact of global warming and how dependency of fossil fuels not only raise the price of food being transported, but also is doing damage to the planet. The global warming theory is a major debate in the world right now and how she ties it in with her argument makes her points clear and strong. “ Climate change is raising sea temperatures and flooding coastal areas, and has the potential to increase crop failures, cause mass extinctions, and spur more destructive weather patterns such as hurricanes- all with profound implications for agriculture and human habitation” (168). Schwind makes an impressive point about how not only transporting food can hurt our climate but also affect the other countries that are trying to rebuild and develop

1 comment:

  1. Your first paragraph is good, but where is your thesis? There needs to be one sentence that clearly states whether or not they succeeded in their argument and why. You stated what her argument was and how it was done, but never state if it was a success or not.


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