Saturday, February 6, 2010


One of the greatest blessings us as Americans possess is that of freedom. As citizens of this Country, we can enjoy the commodities of full political and civil freedoms that are relatively blocked to other, less fortunate countries. Often times a pattern of open and closed economies plays an immense role on the success of a Country. It is the opinion of many that “trade creates the habit of freedom”(48). Daniel T. Griswold is a firm believer that open economies can implicate peace and freedom in Countries around the World. Griswold is a University Trade Policy Director in Washington DC and has been the author of many published studies concerning globalization and trade. One of which being “Trading Tyranny for Freedom: How Open Markets Till the Soil for Democracy.” The article successfully persuades it’s audience of the positive correlation between economic openness and both political and civil liberties by presenting numerous convincing and supportive evidences, providing examples that we, as citizens of America, can relate to, and establishing literary devices such as pathos, that appeal to us emotionally.

One of the major ways that Griswold creates a strong basis for persuading his audience is through his use of statistics and evidences. This is something he strongly believes in and he utilizes the supporting evidences and facts that prove his theory to be correct. To convince the reader that economic openness influences a democracy “by raising living standards and expanding the middle class”(49), he includes a study that proved that “nations that ranked in the top quintile in terms of economic openness from 1980 to 1998 experiences annual economic growth that is almost five times faster that those nations in the bottom quintile of openness”(49,50). By including not only this study by James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, but also many more that have reached similar conclusions, made his argument a great deal more convincing.

1 comment:

  1. I think your thesis and the content of the post are great. One thing to maybe look at is the sentence structure and word choice throughout. For example, saying "relatively unavailable" or something like it may flow better than "relatively blocked." Another example is that you could say "he is the author," rather than "has been." There are a few places where it gets a little unclear at first, but i'm sure those will be smoothed out as you read through and make revisions.


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