Friday, February 5, 2010

RA Intro/ 1st paragraph

Globalization is the change in societies and the world economy that are the result of dramatically increased cross-border trade, investment, and cultural exchange (Web citation). Though the world has been globalizing for centuries, in the past few decades the progression of globalization in the world economy has increased due to modern technological advances. This surge in world wide economic globalization has led to much discussion and analysis by many to identify the possible affects that such changes could have on nations' individual economies.

In the article “globalization: threat or opportunity for the U.S. economy?” the author Robert Parry succeeds at arguing that globalization is an opportunity for America’s economy by, providing convincing statists to discredit opposing views, considering his audience, and effectively using literary devices.

In order to present the argument that globalization is a positive thing for America, the author presents many of the concerns that the opposition to economic globalization has and shows how these things are not true concerns through various statistics. The first and one of the more common argument that he abolishes is that globalization leads to outsourcing and off shoring causing many Americans to lose their jobs. By providing the statistics how many jobs are lost for "all kinds of reasons" in comparison to the jobs lost to foreign workers he is able to disconnect the correlation many put to outsourcing and job loss. The author then goes on to show the reader that globalization will also provide more jobs for Americans and boost economic activity. He does so by listing the evidences that U.S. in sources more for office work and that foreign firms are now employing more workers. The second position he effectively argues is that the creation of jobs in other countries doesn't limit productivity or growth in the United States. Supported by specific statistics he explains how the wide spread information technology (a result of globalization) in the United States has greatly increased productivity. Also there is no way that someone could say that growth is slowing or that Jobs are not being created in this country when "a quarter of today's labor force is in jobs that didn't even exist in 1967." The points that he makes in his article are all backed up with specific examples and data, which discredit the point of view of the opposition to a more globalized economy.


  1. I think your intro is great. It sets the rest of the paper up well. One thing maybe to consider is your tone/word choice in the analysis. For example, the word "abolishes" seems a little dramatic. Also, it may be more effective to say the concerns are not "valid," rather than not "true." Someone may be "truly" concerned, even if it's not rational or valid. I dont know if that makes sense, but i guess it has something to do with how "true" can be perceived. So thats something to consider...

  2. I think it will be a good paper. It looks like you understand your articel well and provided a lot of good support in the first body paragraph, maybe even too much, if that is possible. I just felt like you could condense it and make it more powerful and clear. Mine was too short though, so I don't have much room to talk.


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